Putz seniors made a trip to pennsylvania this past week. Here's how we fared after a week without internet.
Okay, I lie, most people had internet because of their Magic SmartPhones. But I didn't ;__;

There were cows in this field, along with their cute calves that looked like sheep because the bull was white and all the calves were white, but I seem to have managed to not take a picture of them.
We were well-prepared food-wise. Also, do you see that oven? It is amazing. Space-age design. o__o pretty AND functional.
We were also well-prepared with a lot of card games...
There was a creepy doll.
Manyu, making waffles for everyone! Yay! Not that anyone else was awake before like 3pm.
We also acquired the alcololz. In a drive-through. XD
There was a memorial to soldiers at the supermarket we stopped at.
James is laughing because I am taking pictures all the time. But I have no shame! Maybe! I mean without me taking pictures you wouldn't have this blog post. So there.
Sentinels saving the multiverse! It was even a kickstarted game initially. Oh man. I love this game. I was a skeptic, but now I am a believer in card games.
It was Jonte's birthday so we made chocolate chip cookie cake.
Hamburgers happened around a cookfire. Meat from one of the cows that would have grazed 100 yards away from us.
We took a hike and visited a graveyard on a hilltop. Then we carefully avoided trampling crops and walked in the Tall Grass looking for pokemon. Err. I mean. We walked.
More card games (ticket to ride this time). And Manyu making funny faces at the camera.
We had a tomato meat sauce, spaghetti, and beer bread dinner, complete with house wine.
Talk to one of us if you want to hear about the house wine (smelled like grape kool-aid, but I thought it tasted fine).
The beer bread was delicious! It used up two cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon (we didn't have yeast, and the beer bread worked out wonderfully).
We also played Betrayal on the Hill after dinner, which had some interesting stories too. There was some violence involved regarding the unbalanced nature of the game. Find us if you want to hear more...
The next day we did sightseeing. We visited the Flight 93 memorial.
There were laseretched placards from a nearby middle school there.
Then the Johsntown flood memorial.
This is us oohing and ahhing over the LED display representation of the flood events.
Motorized inclined plane, for transporting cars way high up the mountainside.
More sentinels! Do you see how many villain cards came out?? We... did not win this round.
Then Jonte, James, Manyu, and I went on a geocache finding adventure. We found the ruins of a house too.
Jonte had his out-of-control UA shades on, not indoors for once.
After a lot of bushwacking that we didn't expect (we essentially went in a straight line on the GPS, and then found the cache next to the side of a road...) we found the geocache!
and we added our name to the list. Frosh O'clock!
It was near some nice rapids.
This is where I discover how out of shape I am... I was pretty exhausted by climbing back up to the farmhouse.
At least it was pretty :)
The next morning Jonte made biscuits and then we (one of the cars) headed out.
Such a pretty farmhouse.
After 12.5 hours we made it back to MIT around 10pm and I was reunited with the internet. Yay!
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