Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tall Ship Sailing

Now that I finally have something to post, I'm going to ignore the apparent lack of traffic on this blog and put it up anyway!

I don't get to spend 10 days as the crew of a tall ship research vessel normally, anyway.

Note: all pictures taken by Post-Doc named Robert. I didn't have a camera with me at the time.

Welcome to the Corwith Cramer, tall ship meant for about 40 people. We had 29.

I sailed with about 11 other Joint Program students and a crew consisting of the Captain, three Mates, five Deckhands, and a couple others (Steward for the food, of course) on one of the most ambitious sampling voyages in the ship's history. We had 33 stations on the Atlantic Shelf Break to hit in 10 days!

Science! Most of the stations involved getting this CTD carousel in and out of the water--then collecting and processing whatever samples we gathered.

Of course, everyone got seasick the second we hit open ocean, but most of us recovered in about a day and could experience the rest of the trip to its full.

Class--learning about inclement weather. Good thing, too: one night we tried a deployment with a lightning storm on the horizon! Putting a metal carousel into water which is connected to the boat by a metal wire is not the ideal activity for that situation.

Securing the jib off the bow of the boat. Gets very trick in high wind and waves.

Charismatic megafauna!! Or, in layman's terms, DOLPHINS!

Me, steering the boat. Usually something I did at night (this picture was taken in the evening). Turna out the moon is an excellent light source on the high seas.
The experience was both amazing and unnerving; if possible, it gave me a more screwed up sleep schedule than MIT. We were divided into three watches, and each watch alternated Science and Deck in a single day. Some days I'd be on from 7 am - 1 pm and 12 am - 3 am. Other days it'd be 1 pm - 7 pm and 3 am - 7 am. I'm still feeling the effects of that one.

That's about all I've got for a condensed version of this trip. Have a picture of a sunset. ^^


  1. whaaaaat? is this what your grad program is like?

  2. Wow, this is awesome! If Cathywu is right, totally jealous.
